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Home Forums Time Space Knowledge TSK Ex. 28 – Cycle of Seeing [practice notes] Reply To: TSK Ex. 28 – Cycle of Seeing [practice notes]

David Filippone


    TSK Exercise 28 – A Cycle of Seeing…

    “Select ten ‘things’, including objects, qualities, and other common contents of experience, such as a car, an orange, a piece of music, a tactile quality, etc. Once you have formulated a specific and ordered list of such items, contemplate the first one until you ‘see’ it quite concretely. Then go on to the second, the third, and so on until you have completed the list. Then repeat this cycle of ‘seeings’.

    Continue this over and over with the same ten items, paying close attention to the factors at work in such ‘seeing’. Notice everything, but at the same time keep an open mind about what is involved. In this way, you may discover new factors while re-evaluating the old ones.”