In the winter of 2011, Jack Petranker taught the second of three, 9-week segments of a 27-week Time, Space, Knowledge (TSK) course entitled — THE STREAM OF THINKING. Jack has taught hundreds of TSK classes over the years, but to my knowledge, only one 9-week course has ever been edited and made available to the public. Now available at the link below, is a link to a PDF file copy of that course.
This course consisted of 9 weekly, 1) on-line conference calls with students; 2) weekly guidance memos [lectures] from Jack; 3) designated reading assignments from a TSK book included in the PDF file; 4) exercises assigned to amplify significant points and encourage moment-to-moment inquiry as the fundamental method for exploring the TSK vision; and 5) student posts, sharing excerpts from their practice notes for comment by other students. The focus was to approach ‘thinking‘ in terms of Space. The course readings were taken primarily from the Space section of the book by Tarthang Tulku Rinpoché, Dynamics of Time and Space. The readings are included in the file.
The Table of Contents, in the PDF File is interactive, in that you may click on any item in the table and you will be taken to that text. The Table of Contents is the base page to move through the entire file. So… if you read Jack’s lectures, you may get the distinct feeling, as I did working with them, many are simply gems, and they just sparkle with insight. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did. Follow the link below…